Students walking outside

Healthcare Power of Attorney

Do you have the legal documents in place to help your student?

Your student is now an adult. But, they may still need you. SLS will draft the documents your student needs in the event of an emergency, including a healthcare power of attorney. 

How does it work? 

  • Your student will schedule a phone appointment with a SLS attorney (note: incoming Freshmen can schedule in the summer before they start). 
  • We will email your student with an appointment reminder. 
  • Your student must watch the Healthcare Power of Attorney pre-appointment video
  • A SLS attorney will conduct the phone appointment with your student at the time scheduled. 
  • Parents may be on the phone as well with the student’s permission.  Your student can indicate when they schedule online if they want you to be added to the call, or they can ask the attorney to add a parent(s) when the attorney calls for the appointment. 
  • During the phone appointment, your student will decide which documents they want and provide necessary information. 
  • After the appointment, SLS staff will draft the documents and email them to your student to review. 
  • Once your student approves the documents, SLS will schedule a time for your student to come to our office to sign the documents.
  • Parents do not need to be present for the signing. 

What should students do with their documents? 

We suggest that students who live on-campus keep a copy somewhere safe but accessible in their residence hall room.  They should let their roommate, resident advisor, and hall director know that they have a Healthcare Power of Attorney and where it is located.  Your student should also let others know that s/he is close to who might be with her in the unfortunate event the document needs to be invoked.  

We also advise students to update their medical ID on your phone is up-to-date with appropriate emergency contact information. Here are further instructions for doing so: Android and Apple. We also advise students to keep a card in their wallet stating that they have a HPOA and to list the contact information for their agents and where the document can be found.  The agents and your student should keep an electronic copy in your phones that are easily accessible.  

Additionally, Student Health Services provides information about how to access student health records.