Parents with graduate

Parents and Families

You need lawyers you can trust, who have experience representing Ohio State students. You need Student Legal Services.

Healthcare Power of Attorney

Your student is now an adult. But, they may still need you.

Do you have the legal documents in place to help your student?  SLS will draft the documents your student needs in the event of an emergency, including a healthcare power of attorney, financial power of attorney, and/or living will.

Off Campus Housing

Moving off campus is a rite of passage for most Ohio State students. While it is fun and exciting, students are taking on a lot of responsibility, especially financially. 

Student Legal Services and Ohio State’s Off-Campus and Commuter Student Engagement presents to friends and family regarding the transition to off-campus housing. Learn about the search for housing, and valuable information about moving and living off-campus, including safety resources.

Criminal Defense

College students make mistakes. Your child needs lawyers with the most experience representing Ohio State students. That is Student Legal Services. Do not hire another attorney. It is a waste of money. Student Legal Services are in court every day. We know the system. We know students. 

Parent and family newsletter

Receive valuable information about your child's legal rights and responsibilities on a monthly basis.