Civil matters
1 Contracts, Credit, Debt, & Consumer
As legal adults, students are entering contractual relationships, building credit and accruing debt. Students may encounter unfair, deceptive and fraudulent business practices. Students also are particularly vulnerable to scams and identity theft. Student Legal Services can help. SLS assists students with a wide range of legal issues related to contracts, credit, debt, and consumer matters.
2 Dissolutions of Marriage
Student Legal Services represents students in Franklin County who are seeking uncontested dissolutions without children. SLS will provide advice and referral for dissolutions with children, divorces, or domestic matters outside Franklin County.
3 Employment
Student Legal Services reviews employment and internship opportunities and contracts with students. SLS will provide advice and referral for other matters including employment termination, discrimination, and wage claims.
4 Estate Planning & Power of Attorney
Student Legal Services provides simple wills, living wills, healthcare and financial power of attorney for students. If a student is married, SLS makes an exception to eligibility for services and will provide the student's spouse these documents .
5 Name and Gender Marker Changes
Student Legal Services can advise and represent students in Franklin County in filing name changes and gender marker changes. Outside of Franklin County, SLS will provide advice and referral.
The U.S. Department of State provides information about gender markers and passports. Students with questions about how their name and gender marker changes may affect official documents, such as passports, can schedule an appointment to speak to a SLS attorney.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) issued an emergency message that effective January 31, 2025, the SSA will “explain to individuals requesting a change to the sex field on their [social security record], that [SSA] cannot change or process their request.”
6 Notary
Many financial, business, and legal documents require notarized signatures. Notarization plays a crucial role in ensuring the authenticity and legality of countless transaction. Student Legal Services regularly notarizes documents for students.
7 Vehicles: Buying, Selling, Repairs & Accidents
Student Legal Services assists students with legal issues regarding their vehicles including:
- Vehicle purchase contracts or loan agreements
- Vehicle insurance
- Disputes regarding purchase or sale
- Title or registration concerns
- Property damage in a vehicle accident
- Vehicle repairs
8 Victim of Crime Assistance
Student Legal Services assists students who have been the victim of crime including violent crime, sexual violence, intimate partner / domestic violence, stalking, and harassment. Student Legal Services is not a University department and we are not mandatory reporters. Information provided is protected by attorney-client privilege and is confidential.